Sunday 4 May 2014

'Valentine' by Rebecca Farnworth Book Review!

Book: Valentine
Author: Rebecca Farnworth 
Amazon Link: Here

Valentine Book Review

Valentine by Rebecca Farnworth has been on my ‘To Read’ list for several years. Ever since I found out that she was the ghost writer for Katie Price’s novels – yes I have read them, I own them all and I love them! – I have wanted to read one of her own novels for a long time and I finally got around to it yesterday. And I mean got around to it yesterday because I started it and finished it – I had a long ass train journey.

The book is about Valentine Fleming, a struggling actress who lives with her best friend Lauren and is secretly seeing a guy who has a girlfriend. Oh and is constantly reminded that she has a boy’s name – like all the time by every single person she meets. She manages to get a part in an off-West End production where a wacky director wants her to perform in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, half naked. Oh what it must be like to be a struggling actress.

Anyway, during this play we meet the male character who is of course to fall for Valentine in the book – Jack Hart. I was surprised at how early he was introduced and I wasn’t too sure what I thought of him at first. He was a little too arrogant for my liking but I warmed to him after just a few chapters. The relationship between them is a slow burn, especially as Valentine is still sleeping around with douchebag (this is now his name) but they get there in the end. And it is adorable!

Though I have to say, it feels as though they spent more of the book building up to the relationship and then having it torn down then what they did actually being together! I’m not going to say what happens that ruins the relationship but I was sitting there thinking, I really don’t see how they could come back from this but don’t worry, Farnworth found a way.

Her friendship with her best friend Lauren is brilliant and reminds myself so much of my friendships with my friends. They talk about everything – literally everything in this book from sex to men with hairy backs. It’s all very riveting stuff. Lauren is very honest with her and tells her basically what an idiot she is for sleeping with douchebag – as a best friend should. Their friendship is one of my favourite parts about the book and they are hilarious together.

Frank and Lily are two characters in the book that are sort of weird and eccentric but sweet at the same time. They live in the same apartment building and they hang out together though Frank and Lily are slightly older than the two of them. Lily is also a big Valentine/Jack shipper and pretty much near insists that the two of them should get back together.

Somewhere in the book, Valentine also finds out that her father is a famous director (of course) and here is where I stopped the book and was like seriously? We all know where this is going. But actually it doesn’t. Her father doesn’t even contact her for like two months of the book and when he does finally appear, he’s a bit shit and found myself thinking it was probably best that Valentine never knew who he was at all. He does soften up towards the end though (and clicks that his wife is a total bitch.) Hoorah!

I was getting towards the last part of the book and thinking how the hell is our couple going to get back together now? How on earth is Valentines life going to actually get better (because by this point, it was crap) but Farnworth does it. And I’m not going to tell you how; you’re going to have to read it yourself!

The best thing about this book though, is how real it is. The character of Valentine is by no means perfect, which I find is all too common in some novels, Valentine makes her mistakes and she admits to them too. I also thought the way that the characters spoke was real too, though at time it did feel a little disjointed. I find sometimes in books, the characters are speaking in ways that no one would ever speak in real life and this really grates on me.

I think the fact that I finished this book in one day – even with the train journey – speaks volumes to how much I enjoyed this book. I wasn’t even in a mood for reading. Now, I’m not saying it’s a classic and it’s a literary genius or anything because it isn’t. It’s exactly what it says on the tin. It’s a light-hearted, funny sometimes sad (seriously, I was near on the verge of tears at the end) chick lit book! And it was exactly what I needed after I depressed myself enough this week with reading The Fault in Our Stars and Thirteen Reasons Why (which I also wrote a review for, so go check it out ;).)

I give Valentine a 7.5/10 and I will most definitely be reading it again, I just don’t know when! :) 

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