Wednesday 16 April 2014



I hate introductions. They always feel so incredibly awkward without trying. But I'll give it a shot, I guess. So, this is my blog.
I'm hoping to come up with something a little better than One Review. One Opinion. because really, it's not great is it? I stared at my laptop screen for a good twenty minutes trying to think of something and this was the best that I could come up with. Or more, this was the one that sucked less. But really, its kind of true isn't it? Its one review and its just my opinion but if you're like me then you might enjoy reading other people's opinions.

A little about me.

My names Becki, I'm currently 20 years old and studying to be a primary school teacher. I also live in the UK so expect a few British words around here.  I've thought about starting a review blog for a while now since my friends suggested it but always shoved the idea off. I have always had a hobby in watching a new film or TV show and then rushing onto IMDB (that site is definitely one of my faves!) and checking the message boards to see what people are saying. So I guess it makes a bit of sense that I write my own thoughts down to share. 

I watch a lot of TV -  I have a whiteboard in my room that lists all the TV shows I watch throughout the week on a weekly schedule so that I don't forget what to watch! Beneath this list, I also have a list of TV shows that are finished or that I am a season or so behind. It lists what episode and season I am on so if i get a chance to watch something that isn't on my weekly schedule, I can go there.

Yes, I am aware this sounds a little sad and very organised. Which is definitely something I am not. But there we go. I also have a lot of DVDs, well over 300 which sounds like a small number to me but a lot of people seem to think its a lot so there you go. Along with 300 odd DVDs, I also have a lot of TV box sets which since I said I have a weekly schedule of TV shouldn't come as a surprise really.

And I like music. Who doesn't like music?
My music taste is a I guess, my favourite type of music is country and pop. Country isn't a popular thing here in the UK and I'm just going to say it. My favourite singer is Taylor Swift. And all my friends who are reading this are rolling their eyes right now. Aha!
But I also like other types of music, obviously! Let's see, I listen to chart music now! (Which a few years ago, I definitely did not!) I was the girl in the club, awkwardly bobbing her head to about ten songs she didn't recognise. But I also like a bit of rock music, which luckily for me The Pretty Reckless have just bought another album out!

I may also throw in the odd book review since I am a avid reader but we'll see about that. My book taste...well, I'm not claiming I read any classic literature or anything like that so don't be surprised if you see the soppiest of books around.

At the end of each review, I'm going to rate it and say whether I would buy it on DVD, buy the book, buy the box set or put it on my ipod. Because If i like something enough to watch/listen or read again, then I must like it! :) 

I'm going to warn you now, I watch a lot of bad stuff. And I like it. So don't be surprised if you click on posts and are thinking wtf? You've been warned!

Enjoy my thoughts! And if you want to, hit me up with a new film to watch! :)

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